Women Ministry

Women Ministry

Thanks God Almighty who called all the daughters of God out of darkness and gave us the divine light over every dark situation.

As Woman of Wisdom , our golden verse that serves as foundation that this women ministry is built upon is found in the (Prov. 14:1 ) "A woman built her home with wisdom and Knowledge....". 

Jesus Christ has delived and libeated us all, most especially our women. From history, Jewish girl cannot study torah (law of God), in the ancient Roman empire, it was only boy that could go to school, in early of civilisation, boys were the ones that could go to school not girls. But Thanks be to our God who broke all the barriers and brought women world out of darkness into His marvellous light to be a learner, to be able to worship God together with other gender without discrimination.

To be a doctor, lawyer, engineer, minister of God, government officers even president of a nation.

This vision  will enable our women in the ministry to fufill thier purpose  in life. work and live by wisdom. Because with wisdom a woman will build her home even her nation, Living Wisdom Word Ministry, makes a woman to be total in Character, love , behavoiur through wisdom. Because the wisdom exhibited by a woman  will definitelly fix her destiny. The bible says, Let your light so shine that they may see your good work, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.( Mat.5:16).